Discipleship with Dr. Joe Ferrini Saturday October 14th 10am

Event Date:

October 14, 2023

Event Time:

10:00 am

Event Location:

Solid Ground CoffeeHouse

You may not be familiar with Joe Ferrini’s extensive history of discipleship and mentoring in Northeast Ohio since the mid 1970’s and his commitment through his church and such organizations as the Billy Graham Ministries, Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru), FamilyLife Ministries, WCRF/Moody Radio, Promise Keepers and many others.

Joe has used a structure of leader discipleship he called ‘R2D2’, or ‘Radical Revolutionary, Dedicated Disciple’… Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ) has posted within its Adult Discipleship Resources Leadership Development Tools that Joe has developed that seek to “help build a disciple into a spiritual leader in order to help build spiritual multiplication movements” to promote the acceleration of the fulfilling of the Great Commission.

And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded  you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20 NASB

Practical Christian Leadership Development materials are part of the vision to accomplish what Jesus has clearly mandated; to make disciples. You can find more about Joe and his ministry at JoeFerrini.com

There is no admission fee for this event, we simply want you to register to reserve a seat from a limited number of seats (75).


Sorry, this event is expired and no longer available.

Event FAQs

So, I don't have to pay the ticket price?

No, you don't.

We will accept as low as $5 for a ticket if so desired; you can't pay for it here that way, but call us to make a reservation and you can pay at the door. If the price exceeds your budget, we understand and accept $5 just as we would $20; no hard feelings, just a 'welcome!' when you come to the event!

However, running a coffeehouse and booking events has costs. We don't make much on desserts and coffee, we are not open all the time like a regular coffeehouse or cafe and don't look to make a profit. But we have electric bills, propane bills, maintenance bills, insurance, and on and on. You get the idea; you have to pay bills too. Why, it even costs money off the ticket price just to sell a ticket via credit card!


We don't want to prevent anyone from coming into the coffeehouse and hearing about what it means to be a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ. We want people to know what it is like to be such a follower; the true joy, what it means to no longer carry sin, guilt, and the weight of the world on our shoulders. Don't understand what I am saying? Then come on out and you will hear what it all means!!


We are a non-profit ministry (Solid Ground Ministries) registered as a tax-deductible 508c1(a) ministry. We accept tax-deductible donations. Your financial assistance helps us keep our doors open. We would love to not have to charge a penny for any event or function! But, to do that, would take donations. If you like what you see and can share our vision, please consider supporting our ministry!






What time do the doors open for the event?


We also operate a farm and chores need to be completed; therefore opening any earlier than 6:30 is not possible.




What type of coffeehouse is this?

It is a Christian Coffeehouse. It is a non-threatening environment intended to be a comfortable place for couples, individuals, and friends to come and relax. We are not open every day from morning til night (at least not yet). Our focus is currently on events on a Friday and Saturday night, hopefully opening every now and then on weekends (like a Saturday afternoon). Want to know more? Give us a call; we'll talk.




Is there a dress code?


We simply ask everyone, both male and female to dress conservatively.

You can look at this request in a few different ways;

Would your 90 year old grandmother, who grew up in the 30's and 40's approve of your attire?

Since this is a family coffeehouse event, would anyone maybe feel uncomfortable with your attire or be distracted? We all want to dress comfortably, but if what we wear would cause others to be uncomfortable, maybe we should make other choices.

God shows us that our true beauty is not in what we wear (or how much we don't wear) but what is inside. On the outside, God wants us to focus our beauty toward our face and not the rest of our body. God says true beauty is reflected through our eyes, our smile and what we say!

Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious. 1 Peter 3:3-4

The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. Matthew 6:22






Are you going to throw the Bible at me?

No, unless you don't have a Bible and would like one. And in that case we won't throw it at you, we will hand it to you with our blessing.

Performers will share their 'testimony' of what it...their faith in Christ...their story of what it means to be a 'Christian'. Noone is asking anything more than just to listen to what is being said. God never forces anyone.

Oh yeah, and we don't lock the doors, we don't point fingers, we just want you to enjoy the evening!!


Policy concerning smoking and alcohol on premises?

Smoking and alcohol are not allowed anywhere here. We hope you understand.

Total Seats: 63 (61 Left:)
  • Solid Ground CoffeeHouse
  • 486 Cherry Valley Hill Rd
  • Maine
  • NY
  • 13802
  • USA

Event Schedule Details

  • October 14, 2023 10:00 am   -   11:00 am
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